Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP Model (4th Edition)

Author Information
Jana Echevarria, MaryEllen Vogt, Deborah J. ShortProduct Details
ISBN: 9780132689724Publish Date: 06/02/2012
Publisher: Pearson
Number of pages: 360

Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP ® Model isone of the most influential books in the field and in this new fourth edition the authors present the most comprehensive, coherent model of sheltered instruction yet by fully explaining the widely popular SIOP®(Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Model and providing lesson plans and instructional activities to help teachers implement it effectively in K12 classrooms. From its opening overview of the issues related to educating English learners to its new Chapter 12 that presents frequently asked questions with answers from the authors to help teachers get started implementing SIOP®, the book provides school administrators, teachers, coaches, teacher candidates, university faculty, and field experience supervisors with a superior tool for improving the education of English learners and promoting their academic gains.
New with the fourth edition is an accompanying online resource site, PDToolkit for SIOP®.
The new website includes:
- Information About the Authors
- SIOP® Research
- SIOP® Resources
- SIOP® Lesson Plans and Activities
- SIOP® Videos
To learn more, please visit: http://pdtoolkit.pearson.com.